Why has the estimated delivery time changed and when will I receive the goods?
Estimated delivery time will be changed according to the actual logistics and transportation situation. Usually you will receive the package within estimated delivery time.
What is Buyer Protection?
Free coverage that lets you shop hassle-free on AliExpress. Our Buyer Protection starts the day the seller ships your order and lasts up tp 90 days. You can see if an item is protected under Buyer Protection on the item detail page to check the exact validity for the item of choice.
Why does it show that a refund is being processed after order cancellation?
You are supposed to get a refund for this order and AliExpress is processing the refund. After successfully processed, the refund will be received in 3-20 business. Note: refund progress might not be shown immediately. You may check it again 3 days later.
When will I get my refund?
Please take easy that the fund is guaranteed as AliExpress knows how important your money is and we make sure that the refund is handled accordingly. Usually, it takes 3-20 business days, varying with different banks, for buyers to receive the refund after the refund is successfully processed by AliExpress.
How do I return goods?
You should return the item if you've started a refund for a return request within 10 days or as mentioned in the refund/return request. We don't offer an exchange at the moment. You can find the return shipping address on the dispute dashboard. We offer a Free Return available for a lot of items and you can check if you're eligible or not. To get a refund for a return you can start a dispute on Account > Order > Order detail on the item you want to return.
Why my payment was charged incorrectly ?(wrong value)
Please note AliExpress only charge user the same value in order confirmation page and no extra money will be received by system. If extra money has been deducted from your account, it may due to: -you may check wrong order number - currency rate change - service fee or transaction fee charged by bank. For example, paypal method, bank will charge extra handling fee for every transaction.